Monday, July 11, 2016

City tour, by us.

Had a lovely Reykjavik day!  A DAYkjavik, some might say. 
Slept in a little bit (I'm not telling you the time, it's slightly embarrassing!) but got on our way in search of the world's best hot dog. It's here in Reykjavik!  Seriously!  At least, that's what they say.  It was delicious, so I believe them. 
Wandered the city today and saw some random sights while working on our selfie game and sipping on our Te & Kaffi lattes (that would be "tea and coffee" for you non-Icelanders)... A church with a performance of "Amazing Grace", the building where Reagan and Gorbachev had a summit, the prime minister's house, and the embassy. Not a security guard or a policeman to the seen at any of those, not even the last two.  I think we could have gotten ourselves invited in for a lunch of whale meat or lamb soup if we had the guts to ask. 
Finished off the day with a trip to the market and stocked up with sandwich supplies for the next couple days.  Big Golden Circle your day tomorrow, and we are pumped!  

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